Game Title: Silent Shadow

Plot: You play as Alex, a hiker who stumbles upon a mysterious hole in the forest floor while on a camping trip. Curiosity gets the better of you, and you descend into the darkness, finding yourself in an underground labyrinth that defies all logic. The hole leads to two random, eerie levels, each with its own set of horrors and challenges.

Level 1: The Enchanted Forest

Description: You find yourself in a dense, twilight-lit forest that feels both familiar and unsettlingly foreign. The trees are unnaturally tall, their canopies forming a near-impenetrable ceiling that blocks out the sky. Strange noises echo through the underbrush, and the forest seems to shift around you, making it difficult to find your way.


  1. Navigate the Forest: Find your way through the ever-shifting paths of the forest. The trees and foliage seem to move when you’re not looking, creating an ever-changing maze.
  2. Avoid the Forest Spirits: Malevolent spirits haunt the forest, appearing as shadowy figures among the trees. Stay out of their sight and move quietly to avoid drawing their attention.
  3. Solve Nature Puzzles: Use elements of the forest to solve puzzles that unlock new paths. These might involve manipulating plants, using natural features to bridge gaps, or finding hidden objects.
  4. Follow the Light: Look for glowing mushrooms, fireflies, and other natural light sources that hint at the correct path and lead you towards the exit.

Key Features:

  • Dynamic Environment: An enchanted forest that changes as you explore, creating a sense of disorientation and mystery.
  • Stealth Mechanics: Move quietly and use the dense foliage for cover to avoid detection by the forest spirits.
  • Puzzle Solving: Engaging puzzles that require interaction with the natural environment.

Level 2: The Circular Maze

Description: Emerging from the forest, you find yourself in a vast, circular maze made of high, stone walls. The air is damp and cold, and a thick fog limits your visibility. The maze is silent except for the sound of your footsteps echoing off the stone.


  1. Navigate the Maze: Find your way through the twisting, turning pathways of the maze. The circular design makes it easy to become disoriented.
  2. Avoid the Maze Keeper: A relentless, shadowy figure patrols the maze. Stay out of sight and use the fog to your advantage to avoid detection.
  3. Solve the Central Mechanism: In the heart of the maze lies a mechanism that controls the exit gates. Find the pieces of the mechanism scattered throughout the maze and assemble them.
  4. Escape the Maze: Once the mechanism is activated, locate the exit gate and escape back to the forest.

Key Features:

  • Disorienting Layout: A circular design that challenges your sense of direction.
  • Stealth Mechanics: Use the environment and the fog to hide from the Maze Keeper.
  • Puzzle Elements: Gather and assemble parts of a mechanism to unlock the exit.


Silent Shadows combines exploration, puzzle-solving, and stealth in a short but intense horror experience. As Alex, you must brave the enchanted forest and the disorienting circular maze, uncover their secrets, and find your way back to the safety of the forest. But beware—the shadows are always watching, and they hunger for fear.

Published 21 days ago
TagsHorror, html, Multiplayer, scary
Average sessionAbout an hour
MultiplayerServer-based networked multiplayer